Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


I was trying hard this morning to ensure that the place didn't get too messy as we had our quarterly inspection at 11.45. I thought I'd do a quick tidy at 11.30 but at 10.30 I heard a knock on the door and it was the letting agent! Isaac was just in a nappy as I was about to go upstairs for his clothes, and there were books and rainbow rice all over the floor. She came in and we started to chat about the house then Isaac came running up to us without his nappy, looking so pleased with himself. I was a bit shocked but just carried on, thinking I would just put a fresh nappy on in a minute, and then he proceeded to wee all over the floor! Great! The agent left pretty quickly after that...

Then Auntie Laura arrived and we had lunch before heading out on a little trip in the car. We got a tad lost so changed our original plan and ended up in a park a few villages from us. Then on the way back we popped into the aquatic and pet superstore and the kids had an amazing time looking at the massive amount of animals and huge fish. We finished off the trip with an ice cream and then went home to prepare dinner.

Laura and I had a drink in the garden whilst Chris put the kids to bed and then we all enjoyed lamb and bean stew with garlic mash - although its not really stew weather is it?!

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