Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


Well theres only only one thing to do when the kids aren't at school and its hot hot hot...paddling pool!

I don't know how they get in the cold water...I mean its not as if theres a pool bar to temporarily deflect the feeling of cold cold cold, but in they went and splashed and splashed, especially Little Miss E.

Munckin 1 has his investiture in Scouts tonight. I really don't know where time goes, one minute I'm sewing badges on to Beavers uniform next its Scouts....and they are still wonky!

Little Miss E's beloved rabbit "Flop" went AWOL. I hunted high and low for him, checked all vehicles ben though I only drove the van today. I was even worried he had been dropped in the show home we were viewing tonight.But he attempted a sleepover at a friends house! Thankfully their lovely daughter M, drove all the way over to return the pesky wabbit. He is now safely snuggled up with his beloved E.

Lets hope the sun keeps shining!


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