The Orchid and the honey moon !

Friday 13th and full honey moon shining to my 6 orquideas . It was shining in my window like a crazy this morning about 2 0'clock . I got up with the light . I was such beautiful light. I went to the garden and t00k a few pictures with the roses and moon but I remembered that I took one similar the last year so I got my pretty orchid instead from my kitchen window. It was beautiful with the light of the moon.
It was nice to walk around the garden in the fresh air affter such a warm day..and enjoying the moon ligh it was beautiufl and unusual. At 3 o clock it was like a day ligh. Some birds were singing me too so It was a great spectacular show in my garden haha!
Today It was another hot day, about 25 to 30 degrees. I went swimming and having a tea with two friends in Valerie's garden. They are not very happy with this heat . The fell so weak .Even for me it is too much but today my headache is better.
My husband cut the grass this evening so my daises are going but I agree today they are coming soon again.
Thanks for the lovely comments about my cake. Glad you enjoyed it.
Have a nice weekend everyone and keep smiling even if it is Friday 13th. Haha! Be careful with the moon tonight.
Poor Spain they are losing the match against Holland today. We not always like this. Congratulations Holland! Well done!

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