Off Centre

By RachelCarter


I don't know why I like this but I do.
Maybe it's the chair against the dark background. Maybe it's the out of focus chair giving the vague idea that I could sit down if I ever let myself!
Maybe it's that hint of impressionism. The side light making lines instead of full shapes. I don't know.

Today didn't go to plan. Not a lot of days have recently.
Tess had a stomach ache and had to stay off school so I spent all day at home when I was supposed to be going grocery shopping, and I really longed to get out for a walk. She really didn't want to miss school because it was the school fête and she was really looking forward to it but I didn't think it fair on the other kids to send her in after she'd told me she'd had the squits! She's been up and down all day. Mostly okay though. Occasionally cartwheeling!

I've got a annoying virus and my throat's been hurting for 3 or 4 days. It's now developed into a painful cough. I'm wondering why we're all ill in June ... ???

Despite all this I spent the afternoon gardening and got a few things tidy. I really love my little push lawnmower and my new veg garden. It's nice having something that I've done all by myself and am in total control of.

Gemma had to come home for her guitar lesson so we got to see her again tonight. Bonus Gemma week!

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