Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Bird disco

I've made a discotheque for the blackbirds so they can dance and enjoy the flashing lights while they're pecking away AT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FECKING STRAWBERRIES, the little darlings.

I think they'll like it.

Bless 'em.

Some of my strawberries are under netting now. They laughed at my netting.

Some football shit started tonight. For some reason we're expected to believe it's important. It's on our TV now and I'm struggling to see anything important about it.
I don't really get football. It's not like I haven't tried or haven't had enough opportunity. It just does absolutely nothing for me. I stare at the pitch and the crowd and the colours and the little men pootling around and I listen to the commentators and then I drift away into my own little world, completely nonplussed at the whole hoo-ha.
People could say they don't like the things I find interesting but I bet they haven't tried like I have and I bet they haven't been force fed it for years like I have with football.

If I'm honest I find it rather weird and disturbing. There are so many other sports and interests but modern society has plumped for football and is too stupid to admit it's just one of many many many things we could be interested in. It's all about money, media focus and habits. If someone with enough money chose to have a little social experiment they could get everyone obsessed with a completely different sport within 15 years.

It's so not very amazing that Richard has fallen asleep.
I wrote this today just for a laugh: How to Avoid the World Cup

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