Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It's not your Fault

Incurred one of my occasional tragic financial losses today as I innocently arrived in Inverurie to buy some school uniforms when all of a sudden I was briefly abducted by aliens. The wee gremlins made me go into the garden centre and buy some very unessential stuff. I felt duty bound to take the unessential stuff home and hammer, hang and plant it.

Not such a good day for the pussy cat who has a gingernut headache and rank smelling wound thanks to some mid-week fisticuffing. I was summoned to provide these bosies and I may have to summon him to the vets in the morning.

Meanwhile Nature boy has been mostly diversifying today. He went to the badminton club at lunchtime then straight out for a table tennis coaching session with his Granda tonight because he's entered a Table Tennis tournament at school. And this is the boy that hated sports at primary school. Head's been turned by a really good PE teacher at Meldrum. Tonight he photographed a redpoll, just to keep his nature boy levels up.

Maya is here on a sleepover which means Tess is amused which means she's not moaning at me. Result! In between a water spray gun fight, fixating on gadgets, eating and drinking junk food (oops, sorry Emma!) and giggling they've watched a wee bit of Napolean Dynamite and all of Mama Mia (girls are early multitaskers).

As for Dave, he is currently welded onto his computer chair, eyes locked on a screen, ears encased in headphones, sitting in his darkened man porch absorbed in I do not know what.

Most definitely time for bed.

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