Kilbrandon 50th
When I get a moment I will separately tweet a couple of photos from Friday's excellent, thought provoking, challenging, reflective and informative Scottish Government event today. We were looking back 50 years to the publication of the "genius reforms" proposed in the report by the Committee chaired by Lord Kilbrandon. These led to Scotland's (then) unique system for addressing children in need of care and protection and/or offending: the children's hearings system.
We noted how relevant today some of the issues remained and how that reflected the quality of thinking, analysis and writing of the report. It is still work on going.
It is distinctly Scottish. But rather than a blip of the great and the good being photographed, or of PowerPoint presentations, I rather liked this shot of the carpet in the Sheraton where the event was being held of another recognisable Scottish emblem - the thistle.
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