Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley


Poppy and I survived our first night without the boys and I even remembered to set an alarm before going to sleep.
It's hard having to squeeze in all the extra morning chores and remember to do everything so I phoned David to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything.
Cat, rabbits and dogs fed, chickens let out and watered, pack lunch made, dishwasher emptied, Poppy dressed and hair done, washing on line.........CHECK!
I dropped Poppy at Sarah's just before 8 and headed off to work for a rest ;)

Julia hosted a girls night in the evening which was a lovely chance to sit out in her garden and have a chat with everyone over a few glasses of prosecco. I realised at about 11.30 that I hadn't taken a single photo so I rushed around taking blurry shots of trees and candles and managed to get a snap of Carlotta before wobbling home on my bike, putting the chickens to bed and retiring with my kindle.

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