Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Potty Poppy

Having the house to myself last night, I was expecting a lie in this morning. Unfortunately someones barking dog had other ideas at 7.20....
I picked Poppy up from Mum and Dads and we did a bit of shopping then had a lazy couple of hours before going swimming at her school. It a a great scheme where we pay to use the school pool at weekends and during the summer holidays. She still had bright red goggle marks under her eyes when we went out for dinner at the local so it's not the most beautiful photo of her ever.

Home now and we're really missing Cartoon HD as there's a choice of football, football or football on TV.

We have resorted to a DVD of Brave and Poppy is now munching her way through a tube of Pringles. I don't know where she puts it, I really don't.

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