Tawny Marbled Minor

Tawny Marbled Minor (Oligia latruncula)

I put the moth trap out and it looked like an excellent catch. I was just getting the camera set up when the Care Home called to say that Mum (nearly 94) had stopped eating and drinking - not unusual for her for a day or so, but this looked like it was going on for longer. So camera quickly away (hubby and son had gone out) and onto my mobility scooter for a quick whizz down to the home.

Mum was even more unresponsive than usual, so I stayed holding her hand for a couple of hours and then came back home. So far there has been no change.

On returning home, I set the camera up and attempted to record the numbers of moths in the trap, however most of them were awake and escaped! This was one of the 30 or so I had the chance to identify and is a Tawny Marbled Minor - not the most impressive and colourful of moths, but more interesting when examined closely than you would think.

Commenting will be a bit hit and miss now, as I will be spending time with Mum.

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