Summer Holiday.

We had to go the recycling centre this morning and we queued for ages. We then went to Porthcawl as J, yet again wanted to go to the hobby shop. I didn't want to sit in the car so i took a walk to Coney beach. It was really busy, and who can blame people for taking advantage of the sunshine. There were all shapes and sizes of people walking around, and everyone seemed to be eating trays of chips. I resisted today, although with the smell of chips wafting underneath your nostrils, it was very tempting. I walked back to meet J, and he had been tempted by another locomotive. His willpower is not as good as mine! We drove to Ogmore-by-Sea to see how high the the river was over the stepping stones. We are going on our walk tomorrow. Some of the stones were submerged, so we may well have to divert over a small bridge a bit futher up the river. I am glad. as i hate going over the stones, just in case i fall in the river.

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