Mair's Walk.

This is the fourth year that i have done this walk and this time, J and my granddaughter came with me. These doves are released every year before the walk begins. It's a lovely walk through Newbridge Fields and then under the A48 to Merthyr Mawr. The scenery is lovely and there is a lovely atmosphere with people of all ages taking part. Mair started these walks in 2007 after having lung cancer. She found out that there was no funding for the research so that is why she started the walks. She made a complete recovery and leads the walk every year. She really is an inspiration. When we got to the marquee at Ogmore ( i did go over the bridge) we had a hog roll and a cup of tea. When everyone had arrived , the Bridgend Male Voice Choir sang. They were amazing and sang so well. The weather was perfect, and another great walk for such a worthy cause.

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