
By woofcity


We went to Rye today. Storm was travelling on the back seat with Alice, in his seat belt harness, while the girls were in separate crates. They were nose to nose through the bars and Emily cried until they were back in together. We stopped for a walk round the park in Battle.

At Rye Harbour we enjoyed a cooked breakfast in a dog friendly cafe. Emily didn't bark even when another dog came in. The prospect of bacon and sausages held her attention.

We walked to the sea through the nature reserve. A place we definitely will go to again. I can't believe we've not been before. Stunning views towards Hastings, Camber Sands and Dungness. I took lots of photos, a few are here.

Home in time for a cup of tea and rest my legs before going to the theatre with my friend whose husband is away at Download.

A calm day with the dogs. There was almost trouble when we came home with Storm trying his luck with Grace but as this seems to be a pattern I was ready for him :)

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