Lake retreat

Horrendous morning of packing aside, today hasn't been too bad. We flew up the A1 with my old iPod on shuffle and Audrey asleep in the back.

We're back at the same place we stayed last year (different lodge, this time not south facing as it was an oven last year!) for a week of World Cup, BBQs and Yorkshire Dales.

Can feel the shoulders relaxing already. Tesco man's already been and we've hit the beer and crisps!

Audrey has been in a shocking mood sadly. Hope it's temporary, not sure what's wrong but she woke up grizzly. The holiday home certainly brightened her up. She ran around in circles and tired herself out.

Not sure how we're going to stay up and watch the England game but we're sure as hell going to try!!

Took Audrey a walk before bed around the lake and caught this lovely moment with her and Angus.

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