
By cowgirl

And Gracie came too!

Didn't get to see Mary and Alex :-(

They went to a horse event with their mum, grandma and aunty Lou. I have a date with them tomorrow tho!

Caught up with another friend whilst Sav fixed things up in his mum and dad's new bungalow. Then we went to see our mud patch house and sign the new forms, setting out the new price and including the incentives ( hurrah! ). We also got to see the optional extras book .... We've managed to clock up £3,250 of those, so I'm glad we're not paying for the incentives too. A third of that is taken up with changing the doors to oak ( instead of shiny white UPVC ones ) which I'm delighted is an option as I'd already told Sav that's what we'd be doing anyway!

This evening we met up with my two bestest mates, Helen and Joy, for a sort of bday drinkies as I can't be with them on the day. Nice to know it's the last year we'll have to do this, as by next year I'll be living near enough to see them on the day.

I'll also be close enough to dog sit Gracie ( shhhh don't tell Fossey ) as I'll be quite literally 5 minutes up the road from her, and Helen, whose dog she is. We sat out in the beer garden so that she could come with us, but actually they were so nice at the pub that when the menfolk ( Sav and Helen's hubby and son ) went inside to watch something on the telly, she was allowed with them. The bar staff then brought out blankets for us girlies sitting outside.

As the England game kicked off, we left!

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