Jill and Joana

These are my lovely friends Jill and Joana, who I was supposed to meet the other day when I had the injury. They came to visit me to my flat today instead, as I was housebound.

I phoned work yesterday and I told them my leg still needed rest but that they could call me if they were struggling for staff. I haven't received the phonecall yet. Tried to phone myself but there was no answer...

Anyway, my friends here want me to be their wedding photographer and to make their cake!! Feel the pressure on both counts! What I will do is I will try and visit the venue beforehand to familiarize myself with the lighting and maybe do some trial shots to practice my settings. I'm a bit nervous about it because I'm not a professional photographer, but I'll just try to relax and get on with it. They want a mixture of the standard family group photos and a bit of reportage. If anybody could give me any tips, I would really appreciate them! :)

Other than that, I've been resting at home and waiting for a phonecall from work in case they need help.

Here's my final set of my photos from Finland, if you have time:

With friends in Finland

...and I won't bore you with more holiday photos, I promise!!! :P

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my blip yesterday! I really appreciate it! I hope you all had a good weekend! :)

PS. The Fb album I've posted here was for friends' view only. I changed the settings briefly to public so you can see it, but I'll change it back to friends only within the next few days.

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