Peebles - the Beltane Festival

This is a big week around here. I will try to get a few blips in the course of it.

Beltane is a festival of local legend, history and tradition. Beltane is a festival that marks the return of summer with the lighting of fires; where people could burn their winter bedding and floor coverings, ready to be replaced afresh. This type of festival has been celebrated for thousands of years throughout the United Kingdom and Europe.

In Peebles, Beltane was originally held on May 1st. It is recorded that James I witnessed this festival in the 15th century.

Today several traditions are honoured. The town is covered with flags, decked with hardboard cutouts, decorated houses and red and white shop displays. During the week brass bands, pipe bands and lately cultural bands all take part at some point during the festive week.

The Beltane Queen is crowned, and she has her own court - made up of elected Primary School children. As you can see, Beth round the corner has been chosen to be Chief Maid to the Queen. While many houses carry strings of bunting, the homes of the noted participants are highly decorated. All good fun!

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