
By Moiety

Sunday concert in a park in Petropolis

Today we went to see the museum home of a Brazilian inventor: Santos-Dumont. It was basically just one room, no tables or a kitchen,since all the meals were brought from a hotel nearby. Mr S-D had invented aeroplanes and the wristwatch among other things. He needed to have his hands free for flying the aeroplane, of course. We also saw the Crystal Palace, which was a big glass house - nothing special about it...

We had lunch at a buffet table at Luigi's with Monique and Dilson today. The food was sooo good with all Brazilian delicacies and desserts!

There was also a nice brass band playing in the park in Petropolis today - just like they do every 3rd Sunday of the month.

I think there were too many clarinets and flutes there, which made the sound a bit shrill, but the programme was quite good.

It was amazing that there were three stray dogs that had laid down next to the band - the volume was quite loud, but the dogs did not lift an eye because of it.

The white-haired man in the foreground is supposed to be the former conductor of this band. The conductor of today had a huge bandage around his foot and moved quite laboriously- it seemed that the former conductor was aching to take over the band again: he could not stay away from the foreground and he kept giving introductions to the audience.

He also attacked us when he saw that we were tourists - he kept asking us questions in Portuguese even if we could not really reply to him. It was so funny - in the end he was presenting us as either Finnish or Russian tourists.

In the afternoon A took a bus to Rio for the football match at Maracana. I took a walk aroung Petropolis and wrote loads of postcards at a foorball cafe.

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