B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Last Day of School

Hooray, they've made it!

The day they looked forward too nearly 9 months ago has finally arrived... the last day of school. You can hardly call it "a day", they are dismissed at 11:45 and the morning is filled with assemblies, clean-out of desks/lockers and other fluffy stuff to keep them occupied for an hour or two.

This year has been such an amazing year for both kiddos. Kaylee being in 7th grade was a transition into a larger school with all new faces from around the district. She handled it well and made great new friends. She looks forward to another year at the Junior High, same team and same classmates.

Colby made great strides this year, making the honor roll and improving on classroom and playground behavior - both noticed and recognized by us, teachers and the principal. We are so proud of him, and hope that he has found that a little hard work pays off in the end!

We don't have any major plans this summer... Colby is still playing baseball and will continue until the end of July. Kaylee, Mace and I plan on doing some "girly" day trips and will keep ourselves busy. I am looking forward to Bob and his girls coming home mid-July, and we hope to get another "camping" trip in the RV in by the end of the summer. I'm sure the summer will fly by faster than the school year did - but for now, I'll embrace every day!!

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