Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG


She's so bright - as in clever (see what I did there Jane?).

Simon's first Father's Day and I think he wishes he hadn't stayed out until 3am especially as Minnie woke at 520! I didn't stay up to watch the England game but Minnie was so restless that I felt jaded myself too.
I took her downstairs so he stayed in bed until 830 and then we all went a walk. He loved his presents too :)

It was also Mum's birthday so she had lots of gifts to open too - Minnie cuddles were the best present I think :)

We went out to lunch with both sets of parents to a farm nearby that did a hog roast all you can eat - big thumbs up from us all. Minnie was great - she was captivated by the people on the table next to us who also had a little girl. Lots of smiles and waves and the little girl offered a yoghurt laden spoon to Minnie which was very cute :)

Minnie won't stay in a high chair too long - unless she's being fed or nosey - there are always places to explore that she wants to get too so she frequently turns herself around in the high chair. Much to the delight of neighboring tables who love the entertainment which makes her smile and show off to them!

Home and I got an hour of ironing done whilst mum entertained Minnie. She went straight down after her bottle for the first time in several days which was great :)

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