Susan with grand daughter

Another packed day today. Knowing that we were taking our granddaugher out for the afternoon we rather unwisely went for an early morning walk which left us little time for getting together the ingredients for a picnic or for getting to pick her up on time.

Fortunately we managed to get to her dance club just before the end of classes at 1.00pm. From there we drove to Greenwich Park, first for a picnic, then for a cup of coffee for us and a cake for Miya. Which was where this shot was taken.

Then was to the park. For over 3 hours none stop. Where does she get all that energy from? Hop, skip, run, swing, slide, dig, climb, clamber without a pause until all of a sudden it was 5.30 and time to take her back. So independent too, hardly needing us to do anything at all. We sat back and watched with amazement.

A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. Looking forward to the next one.

Within 10 minutes of geting into the car she was fast asleep though. But soon woke when we got her home.

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