
Mr Ray went by the ponds on his way up to church this morning and called to tell me he'd seen 4 cygnets and a kingfisher - not seen one of them for years. On my way to work I stopped to have a brief look to see if I could see anything.
No kingfisher and the swans weren't on the near pond, though there was a lot of beating of wings coming from the other one. When Mr Rat came home he only saw 3 cygnets - so what was going on earlier?
I saw a family of moorhens disappearing into the reeds and a family of mallards came to see if I had food but wouldn't stay still.
The wild flowers sown last year have seeded themselves and are giving a fine display, there are cornflowers and ox-eye daisies, too.
Despite the mud we ran in the woods and it was great running, though the sun had gone in by this time.

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