Pictorial blethers

By blethers


I'm sure I've blipped a photo like this before, but I can't find it at the moment, so here it is again: the ornamental pool in Benmore Gardens. At the time when I took it - 5.55pm - there didn't seem to be another soul in the gardens, which close at 6pm; we'd climbed part-way up the hill and walked for some 40 minutes without seeing anyone. The birds were singing all over the gardens, and a lone deer slipped across the path in front of us and cantered off down the hill. It felt as if we shouldn't have been there, that the real inhabitants of the gardens were taking over again on this warm evening when the temperature was still 24ºCelsius at 6 o'clock and the sun still had real heat in it. A glance at the surface of the pond will tell you that there wasn't a breath of wind - not even a zephyr.

A perfect way to end a busy day ...

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