My right foot

Yesterday morning I woke up with an aching foot. This happens periodically, without rhyme or reason, not one particular foot, not one particular place. I put it down to running but I don't think that's really the problem. After a couple of fruitless trips to the doctors'/A&E in the past, these days I tend to just 'walk it off', which is what I did yesterday as we went around the Crocky Trail.

This morning, though, when I got out of bed, I couldn't put any weight on my right foot and I could barely walk. I decided to give it another 24 hours and then go to A&E but the Minx thought it might be broken, in which case the best advice was to get it seen to immediately. Thus, I cautiously drove myself over to A&E.

Pausing only to look at an odd poster in the car park, I checked myself in. I'd anticipated a wait, so I brought some work with me and, indeed, the waiting room proved to be a very conducive place to work, albeit one that I doubt I can use that often, not without inflicting a series of minor injuries on myself, anyway.

Eventually, I was sent for an x-ray, which gave me an opportunity to see even more of the odd posters that the Morecambe Bay Trust has put up, where the staff portraits only bear, at best, a passing relevance to the poster's message. "Is it you?!" bellowed one poster bearing a picture of a bemused looking fellow.

The long on the short of it, was that the x-ray didn't show any damage and the doctor said that judging by the swelling and lack of bruising, I probably had a stress fracture and that there was to be no running for a fortnight :-(

I'd hoped to get back to Kirkby Lonsdale in time to see Dan and Abi competing in the brass band contest but, sadly, I missed their performance. However, my disappointment was more than compensated when they came across for a Fathers' Day tea along with Hannah and Milly (both somewhat jaded after a party the night before). While I cooked, Abi decorated the living room with streamers, a banner and some customised balloons, which resulted in some extended hugging!

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