
By fennerpearson


Friday evening I was invited to a tweet up.

I went along 99% to see a couple of friends who were down from Scotland but I was also keenly aware that there would be a lot of names there that I knew from Twitter whom I'd never met.

I was, uncharacteristically, a bit nervous about going. In fact, if it hadn't been for the prospect of seeing Shelagh and Andrea, I might have bailed out. I just knew that I couldn't monopolise them all evening and that I'd need to do a bit of socialising amongst some people whom, frankly, I found a bit daunting.

But I needn't have worried. Just like every other tweet up I've been to, everyone was friendly and rather lovely. In the end the evening just flew by.

And while I'm loathe to single out anyone, I must say that one of my favourite parts of the evening was my conversation with @eph_bee and @twosoups on the subject of canals. All I can remember is laughing and laughing. Which just goes to show, if you're with people you like, it doesn't matter what the topic is; you can still have fun.

Consequently, on the way home on Saturday, I stopped to take this photo.

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