Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

getting it done..

A busy day of doing stuff...The new hubs turned up today so it was over to pick them up and then fit the gearing, rims, cassette, rim tape and tube/tyre. The new rims are wider than the race rim I had so it was time to fit new brakes and cables as well.

All this done in lovely sunshine, it would have been very different in the rain.

Now that my hands are clean, the washing that I put out earlier is dry and safe to bring in...the house clean that I did this morning is also now safe from greasy hands..phew!

I might take the lovely smooth riding bike out in a while.....just test know...oh who am I kidding!?

Dino....the half size replica of a fossil found in Nevada looks dashing in his (mine) glasses so I thought I would Blip him...handsome devil!

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