From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Feathered family feuds....

Well, I shall go to bed much earlier tonight! The World Cup has made my late nights later and I look 450. I was just getting around to writing my blip last night when the 11pm match started between Ghana and the USA. Most of you know me well enough to know that I don't need much encouragement to have a late night.

It was a long, sticky day. All the servers and systems at work decided to throw a big wobbly overnight meaning that most people couldn't get into their emails or Oracle for most of the morning. Things were quiet, for a time!

Nothing else much to report today. Tesco Man came soon after 10am. He was a different one again with steel grey hair and granite features to match and possessed not so much as a smile. I expect he had been warned that I was the mad dangerous woman and he stared at me warily. I managed not to slam the door in his face preventing bees entering like the poor man last week though!

The rest of the day drifted by with nothing exciting happening.

These two fellows were standing up in a typical face off position earlier. They soon settled down and were eating nicely together as families should.

Go large...

Track? Let's have a bit of Cat Stevens tonight - Father And Son

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