Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

green potatoes

That's it!!!!!!!!!! That's what I'll do!!! From now on I'm going to just submit the dang picture first, then go back and add the text with the edit button!!! This is the THRID time tonight I'm journaling the SAME DANG THING and I honestly can't do it again. I will just get the dang picture up there and I will finish with my blabbering tomorrow.

Because it's midnight now and I'm seriously going to pay for this tomorrow with the lack of sleep...... grrrrrrrr........

So here's the real journaling from yesterday:

I bought potatoes today. Phil decided to make a baked potato (I wasn?t home yet) and found that they were all green! So, apparently, you can?t eat green potatoes. But I can make mashed potatoes out of them if I cut all the green off first. Have you heard of this? And my Mother-in-law says ?Oh, no, you can?t eat green potatoes. It?s no good for you!?

The only time I?ve ever heard of this was on Arthur when his little sister D.W. ate green potato chips and was certain she would die. So I wonder if this is where they get their information.

I started a new motivational tactic today. Handing out tickets for gold. What song is that from? Every time the kids do something in an effort to what they are suppose to be doing, I give them a ticket. She put her shoes on. Here?s a ticket! He eats his breakfast the first time I tell him. Here?s a ticket! Wow ? she picked up the pencil right when I told her to do her homework! Here?s another ticket! It?s working like magic. So far. I figured since I pay thousands of dollars to the psychologist, I might as well do what he tells me to do. Finally. I?m making up the rules as I go along.

1. Don?t ask me what you can do to EARN a ticket.

2. Don?t tell me that he/she has more tickets than you. It?s not a race.

3. Don?t tell me that he got for putting his shoes on and you didn?t. You are now whining and it will work against you!

4. Still deciding when I will take tickets away for undesirable behavior.

Only, here?s the thing. He tells me to reward the good behavior of The Problem Child. Take him for ice cream. Special trip to the park. So I ask him ? what about the other two kids? They have been pretty good all along. I can?t exactly leave them home alone while I take him for ice cream! What do I do? He tells me ?Oh, I don?t know. I only have one child.?

Well, DUH! Thanks! You?re a real big help! Go back to school!

It seems to me that these parenting books and psychologists are missing the boat on what parents are really asking for. They need someone to help them with the whole dynamics of the family. There isn?t just one child to figure out. There are three wild cards here. Who all interact constantly with each other. And so often the experts only focus on the one that causes the biggest ruckus. The squeaky wheel.

So, I wrote this whole journal entry twice. And twice it disappeared! I think there should be a dummy proof button that you can?t accidentally erase your journaling! Yes, yes, I know?.I could type it up in Word and cut and paste. I could save it before I pressed any button. But you and I know that I?m way to stubborn to do that on any kind of consistent basis! So the third time I did it, I just posted the picture and edited in the journaling so that if it disappeared into internet space, at least I didn?t have to re-load the dang picture!

Okay I?m done whining now! And I?m taking the potatoes back to the store!

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