
By SLPlearning

New Friends

We made another new friend today when Arthur, the kitten, turned up in the garden. He's cute, tiny and confident around people and stayed a good deal longer than his parents did when we ventured towards him for this photo opportunity.

He reminded me that we're due to meet up with a large number of our members next week, always good, but sometimes a bit busy to get the chance to speak to everyone there. Getting to know the people we work with is really important to us as it helps make day to day communications better but we know there is more we can do, and frequently ask ourselves what should that be?

We've been actively encouraged to use social networking opportunities as a solution to getting people involved with us, but given that a large number of the people we are working with may struggle with their reading and writing, I'm not sure that this is the best solution. It's certainly not the only solution as our networking events prove just how much people love spending time together. It's an important part of human existence social contact with others either on a one to one, or in small groups, I think Arthur was trying to get in on the act.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."

C.S. Lewis

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