Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Brighde's 50 Shades of Grey

And trust me, the reality isn't at all sexy.

I've been going grey since the age of fifteen probably. I don't know whether it was because I had black hair and it was just unfortunate or because of my stress levels.

Around about that time my anxieties really started to take over my life. Now isn't the time or the blog post to go into depth about my anxieties, how they started or even what happens but all you need to know its messed with my hair.

I've been red since I started really, I went purple once but it was one of those crazy colours so it lasted a week or something. Eventually I just stuck with red because it covers my greys quite well and when my roots come in, its not really bad.

I am beyond excited to see my boy tomorrow. We keep leaving it so long between seeing each other which is so pants but it's so worth it to see him after so long. I miss you.

Happy Blipping.

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