The long road ahead

I thought this scene from our final walk this morning was an appropriate one for Shuna and her human. Both of them face a future of uncertainty.

The hand-0ver of Shuna in Ayr - roughly halfway between the two of us - to one of J's friends went well. We had arranged to meet at Dobbies Garden Centre, so had a coffee, then Shuna and her paraphernalia (bedding, lead, food, biscuits) were transferred to R's car and I said goodbye, not knowing when I'll see her again.

Eek! I've just seen a mouse - a real live one, not a fluffy toy one! Where is Bingo when I need him?!

Fortunately best friend Gill was free to come from Troon and join me for lunch, so we had a good natter, then a wander round the shop before I returned to Drymen. I am now back in residence at Bingo's until Saturday.

J phoned me from hospital this evening to thank me for doing the Shuna hand-over. She was sounding very low, as I presume the severity of her condition has hit her and she realises that she's going to be in hospital for quite some time. Plus, of course, she's still feeling unwell.

The long road ahead indeed...

Late posting caused by internet problems here. Hope to catch up tomorrow.

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