My 40th year

By 54r4h

Helping hands

Lisa is carefully checking Max's foot while he is sedated as I could not find anything untoward yet he is limping on it, it remains a mystery...

I was stuck inside at work all day so do not even want to think about how sunny it was today. I did get out briefly to stock up on hairnets and dance show hair accoutrements for India and Heidi. I ran out of work and down the road to the theatre where Dad was waiting with India. Another lovely Mum had done her a ballet bun in her hair so I assumed my chaperoning duties in room 1 which was so hot I almost melted on the spot! It was a room full of chattering excited dressed up girls, including India rushing in and out when their dances were being called and all in good spirits. We managed to leave by 9.30pm and came home to my fabulous Dad who had brought Heidi home to bed. Obviously she couldn't sleep so her cheeky face greeted us from the top of the stairs.

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