My 40th year

By 54r4h

Big Jump!

Heidi and Katie leaping in the pool ready for their swimming lesson.

Today started a bit overcast for the dogs walk then ended up a scorcher. I love summer! Stefan worked me so hard at the gym and I was still aching from last weeks session. We had a lovely afternoon sat in Helens sun trap garden before swimming lessons and then an even harder time at the gym lying on sun beds by the pool while the girls had their swimming lesson. Mark reckons I have a rock star lifestyle, hardly true but maybe a little bit today while I was painting my nails with my new orange polish, gossiping with Helen by the pool!

All the windows were open so I could hear the cheers and the groans of all the surrounding neighbours as the England - Uruguay World Cup football match played out. All hopes dashed by Suarez 2-1.

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