A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

They think it's all over...

Though apparently it might not be just yet. I don't know whether it's my eternal optimism or living with Carl so long but I really did think we might win. Oh well. A frustrating and disappointing evening mitigated by spending it with friends.

The highlight of my day apart from that was probably a particularly good swim. Not good in any way that means anything to anyone else but since I have been confined to front crawl since my knee injury I have found swimming more challenging. In a good way though and today I swam the furthest and quickest I have so far and felt good at the end of it. Possibly helped by a fairly empty pool.

Oh and Robin, Peri's girlfriend, came to hang out with the kids after school as Peri had a couple of auditions and listening to how much fun the kids were having with her playing all sorts of castles under siege games in the garden was rather lovely too.

So not all bad.

Lesley x

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