
Repairs take time and patience... so does my injury...

I have to keep reminding myself of this and I'm trying to keep as positive as I can under the circumstances. Work was not too busy, which helped, but at the end my leg was feeling a bit sore.

On my way back from work, as I was approaching the bus stop, I missed two of my buses because I couldn't run. There are three buses I can take, so I thought I might still get a chance to catch the third one. I was just a couple of meters from the bus stop when I saw the third one running past. I didn't think about it twice, I just hopped to the bus stop on my good leg and I didn't care what people thought, but I made it to my bus! Missing three buses was just a bit too much!

It's been rather warm today but maybe not so warm as yesterday.

I'm in a bit of pain just now, so I'll take some ibuprofen and I'll be soon in bed.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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