A Late Flower

Keegan (my 9 year old neighbor) and I were out in my backyard...talking baby birds, night crawlers, and the end of the school year.

The church bells started to ring. After a little bell ditty...the bells chime out the hour of the day. We counted in unison. ONE...TWO...all the way up to...NINE. NINE P.M., AND I HAD'NT TAKEN A SINGLE PICTURE!

During the afternoon, I had weeded, planted, and trimmed. Then, at 6 p.m., we played volleyball in the sand. To say I was dirty would be an understatement.

Keegan got called home, and I took this flower.

I hate to bemoan...
that the day I had blown.
So...with a really loud groan...
I shot this lone cone.

Why do I moan...
about shooting the cone?
From my position...prone,
it's hard on my bones.

After posting the flower,
I took a long shower.
Now...at this late hour (11:50 p.m.)...
I ain't got no more brainpower.

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