In the Crook...Thinking

There are a lot of things about nature that I don't understand.

My buddy Doug and I came upon this fledgling near the end of our 5 mile hike. If I had to guess...I'd say it was a yellow warbler. Please enlighten me if you know better. (Since our flood issues, I can find my bird book.)

My questions? Where's Mom? Where's the nest? Where's the rest of the brood? Why do they call it a crook?

The poor little thing looked dazed and confused. Cute and alert, but still dazed and confused. Makes me wonder what the infant bird survival rate is. I just bet it's not very high.

I have 2 pictures of my neighbors new baby robins on my FLICKR PAGE. 2 of the 4 eggs have hatched, but I didn't get a very good picture of the hatchlings. Poor light. Far from being blip-worthy, but still fascinating to see.

Besides the hike, I took Merrick's biddy (blanket) out to Shelley's house for some much needed repair. She is a master with the needles.

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