Can I drive?

Those were my exact words to our cute little neighbor buddy, Colby, when he showed us his sweet ride. Why, at age 34, do kids power wheels still look so enticing to me to drive?

Alex had a great last day of track camp, running a mile, long jumping, learning baton passing, sprinting the 50 and 10m and finishing it all with popsicle as a sweet reward. Alex had quite the fan club today as my mom, my sister, my nieces and his daddy all showed up for his last day. Lucky boy, so loved.

I finally got a little recognition from my track star today, as well, after my mom pointed out to him yesterday that I'm still on the record wall for 100m (freshman and sophomore year) and long jump (sophomore year). Let me be clear, however, that these records are top twenty (#10, 10 and 13 for me) and they don't appear to have been updated in about 5 years. Ha! I'll still take it. He at least listened to a few things I said today and didn't give me that 'you are too old to know what you are talking about' look. Score!

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