
By SLPlearning

Slow progress

We've been working on the big project today with our older learners' forum groups who are really frustrated by the 'slow progress'. I can't say I blame them - I think we may need to move to the US to get some really positive thinking and less bureaucracy. My colleagues there are often met with the type of can do attitude I so often want to find.

During the meeting one of our older learners shared something with us that I think struck a chord with the rest of the group. She said we Scots are famous for "ah cannae, ah'm no good enough" but that she loves our motto "you can, and you are good and you can do better".

So this week-end, wherever you are, what every you're doing, take heart, things don't change fast, however much we might want them to, but a little hope helps keep us motivated.

“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

PS. I first blipped this site on 11 April.

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