
By diaspora

Electric skateboard?

Spent most of the day in town with the family avoiding the weather by shopping and sampling cafes. Consequently, blipping was a bit more point and click, smash and grab than usual.

The blip is of an electric skateboard - I had no idea there was such a thing - hanging on the wall of the Offbeat Cafe. The Offbeat Cafe do a fine sandwich, a splendid flat white, and play host to a fairly representative sample of boho Wellingtonistas: wonderful for people watching.

I also ferreted around in Ferret Bookshops for a bit and bought a copy of "Ruth Dallas: Collected Poems" and "New Zealand Haiku Anthology". Coincidentally, after yesterday's reflections on power lines, I discovered Ruth Dallas wrote a haiku on them (though I don't think she saw the positives):

Framed in the window,
Insulators, power poles,
Scribble out the view.

Anyway (yawn) time to settle down with a nice glass of Pinot Noir.

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