A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not going anywhere

Despite requests from the kids to repeat our "Hamsterdam" weekend we are staying firmly put.

So no reason at all to go out and buy a new, old suitcase. Well, none other than we needed something to put our bed linen in (yes, need, really) and there was not a plastic storage box to be had for love nor money. Joyously, as it turns out, as it prompted me to take Anna to The Old Cinema which is a veritable Aladdin's cave of old old and new old delights. Among the treasures I found this suitcase which will do the job perfectly for probably not far off the same price. Well, I think it will. Not so sure Carl will agree as I think his plan was that it would all be hidden away somewhere and as I obviously won't be hiding this lovely suitcase away it will probably become another thing for him to trip over in the night. Oh well, it looks pretty.

Very chilled out day around here so far. Eyes/head increasingly better though still a little raggedy around the edges. Having some friends around for a playdate later which will kill or cure. At least being Friday opening a bottle of something for the grown-ups will not be frowned upon.

Happy weekends to all
Lesley x

Quick editing question - I think the sepia effect is apt but the only thing that I am sad is missing is that the internal straps are a very lovely orange colour. Would I need photoshop to do something like that?

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