Beltane Saturday

Queen Alice and her court at the crowning ceremony.

The Beltane Song

At Beltane in the aulden time, it was the custom gay,
To gather on the village green and hail the festal day,
Huntsman gallant and sheperds grey,
dought and blythsome men,
And Lassies blooming fresh and fair cam liltin’ doon the glen,
Through the greenwood haste away,... Sing aloud the festal lay,
Busk the the Beltane banner gay, to Peblis and the play.

Across the wild foam-crested wave,
in distant lands of fame,
The exile oft wi’ pride recalls the dear auld Border hame,
And while we crown out virgin queen, ‘mid flaming skies of June,
We pledge the leal hearts far a-wa and lilt our festal tune,
Honour is our watchword clear, Truth our dauntless halberdier,
Liberty’s our heralds cheer, Long live our Beltane Queen.

Impressive things: 1) the fact that the crowd could sing from memory the first verse of the Beltane Song (obviously dinned into them at school) 2) The crowd of 500 children all dressed up in many guises and having a great time - 3) The enthusiastic Principals. Here the Cornet rides in to witness the crowning of Queen Alice.

A good, busy and crowded day. Interesting, too, the loud gusto with which "God Save the Queen" was sung by large crowds. Not much sign of support for Republicanism in the Borders.....

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