
By WeeDragon

Bee Watch

This morning I found a hoverfly, volucella pellucens, in the kitchen. Wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed quite happy to walk onto my hand for being transported out to the flowering radishes. Had to look it up :-)

After shopping and tidying up kitchen, a seat in the garden was due.

Then had my walk around inspecting everything and admiring the wildflowers - weeds that are growing so well at the moment.

Stood and watched the bees for ages at the foxgloves. Some to the bees crawl in and crawl out, others seemed to zoom fly in and reverse out before going to the next flower-bloom.

Time you've focused the zoom bees have moved on ;-)

Great to be absorbed in nature, this is what puts a smile on my face.

Blip of one of the zoomers, reversing and relocating its landing bloom. Many a half bee, out of focus or invisible. Pushing the Fuji to it's limits.

Question: has anyone used the Pentax Hospital as my Pentax needs a good clean and repaired? Was it reasonably priced?

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