
4years 241days

We had a really wonderful day together today. We started the day bright and early with a walk to her new school. She decided she wanted to walk with her friend and I thought it a good idea to introduce the whole concept of the way the arrival at school goes. Nursery drop off is the single only issue we ever have, so I want to help her with the school drop off as much as possible. She was a touch overwhelmed but I dont think it will take many efforts before she's fine with it. We walked past the classroom after her friend had gone in and Katie's soon-to-be teacher was sat playing his guitar as he does every morning. He saw her, recognised her and waved. That made her morning.

We came home and spent a lovely time doing her workbook. She gets very excited to do them. She was marginally annoyed at me/it as i asked her to complete a couple of pages of the letter formation practises which she told me were "too easy and boring Mummy". She took herself on to some "complete the words" pages where the words had only one letter.

She had fun at ballet. I love the little things children get excited about (validly, frequently). She is very happy that it is now warm enough to not only go out in her ballet uniform but go out in her uniform complete with ballet socks rather than tights!

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