Skt. Hans Aften

I have 2 days off to recover from all of the thesis work and a very busy weekend and the boys and I have made good use of the first of them.

We went to the beach and the boys ran, swam, chased balls and played. It was great.

I had a chiropractor appoitment at 2 pm to have my back put right again after being bend over the laptop for hours and hours, whilst working on my thesis. I am feeling a lot better now!

I did some shopping on the way home and then an hour or two with my Game Of The Thrones book.

Tonight is Midsummer Night or Sct. Hans' Night in Denmark, so after dinner, the boys and I went to Trelleborg the Viking Fortress and enjoyed the Sct. Hans bonfire along with both vikings and more modern people.

We have had a fabulous day and the boys are exhausted now - but the good kind of exhausted :-)

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. I changed my picture at 10 pm, when I came home from the bonfire and made it a collage instead of just the picture of Beat and Biscuit on the beach.

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