
From my mind's eye, the future always looks a little fuzzy. Sometimes things only come into focus when it turns out that they are happening TOMORROW!

For the most part, though, all future events - going to Liverpool to see Bob and John, the Kate Bush gigs, birthday parties, work meetings - all exist in a big, amorphous, slowly revolving and totally unprioritised ball of 'not yet'.

However, the Minx's preparations for Glastonbury combined with her gently expressed frustration at my own lack of organisation - or, indeed, even the slightest hint of considering getting organised - have led me to thinking about the next couple of weeks in a bit more detail than I might usually.

This has resulted in me re-arranging a couple of things, which was relatively painless if slightly embarrassing - "I've realised that's the day I'm coming back from Glastonbury" - but also, today, comprehending that there were a number of work things that I needed to get done as I wouldn't have a chance tomorrow or Tuesday.

Thus, while the rest of the world (or Kirkby Lonsdale, at least) frolicked in the sunshine, I sat indoors at the dining room table typing like a demon and ticking things off my to do list. It wasn't all bad; I had the windows open and some iced tonic water to drink, and I enjoyed the sounds of life passing by outside as an appropriate complement to the various ambient pieces I listen to while I'm working. And best of all, I got it all done!

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