Crash Landing

Spaghetti bolognese is a huge hit with Audrey. Am thankful. Since holiday we are slowly but surely expanding her repertoire after getting stuck in a fish finger and baked beans rut of late.

First day back in normality for us today. Angus's 6am alarm going off and work for me. Reluctantly got Audrey ready for nursery. Handover was tough today, I'm not sure she could have buried herself into me anymore if she tried.

Had to go to a meeting and photo-shoot in Blackburn. I always forget how far away it is. The drive took forever and the client was late which meant that something that I thought would take two hours took over four with travel included.

Managed to catch up on email but have a lot more to do tomorrow as my work colleague is on holiday and I'm covering her workload too. Crashing back to earth from my holiday with a bang!

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