Storm in a teacup

A much better today than yesterday thankfully.

Had my husband back and he shared the childcare. It was nice to have back-up and for someone else to tell me that I wasn't going mad, Audrey really is a handful right now. Pretty positive it is teething as her bottom teeth look to be cutting through, her nappies are baaaaaaaad and she is very irritable.

Slight niggle at the back of our minds is the reflux. Took her off the meds over a week ago completely. I refuse to believe she can still have reflux which is why I have dismissed this as a possible cause. Hey ho, time will tell.

Meanwhile am not relishing the prospect of her being like this all week so need a strategy to keep myself sane in the absence of any childcare until Friday. Lots of walks and distraction I think!! Wish me luck ;)

After a telly marathon catch-up this morning (fully up-to-date on the long drawn out Voice and Tina baby saga in Corrie now), we popped into town for some fresh air. Audrey wailed all the way around the Northern Quarter and was happiest in All Star where she was free to crawl. She is so fast now and seemingly unbothered about crawling away from us at top speed.

She has also learnt how to climb on top of tables and tries to wriggle free if you hold her for any length of time. Fun times ahead!

Today's blip pic is of Mr Scruff's cafe in the Northern Quarter. They always have brilliant slogans in the window. Fifty Shades of Earl Grey particularly made me chuckle!

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