A few drops of rain!
It's been a strange day weatherwise but still nice.
To rant or not to rant?
Had one of those days, and it has taken a long time to sort my head out tonight.
Another one of my quote days 'why can't people just do the job they are paid to do?'
Catering failed to provide tea and coffee for 64 people yesterday, I was phoned when I should have been relaxing sorting out for Geoff's birthday, not a problem, Nicola confirmed no one had come on site to provide the catering. She persuaded the Conference Centre, who usually refuse to do our T&C, long story, to provide the necessary but had to wheel it on a rattly trolley across the campus in the morning and someone else did it in the afternoon. Left a message on catering managers mobile, she was at a wedding, no response, til this morning at 7.15, she had 'no phone signal' and hoped it hadn't caused us too much inconvenience, then when I spoke to her she asked me 'how I would like to resolve it?' (can't type what I thought) I said that was her job. I later emailed and suggested that she should have someone else on call she has two deputies who could then either call in another member of staff or come and do the work themselves, simple, eh?
Then her contract manager asked if I could attend a meeting to discuss how to resolve the problem - 'why?'I thought. (Again can't type the rest of it). I replied 'L needs to manage her staff and provide the service I have paid for'. End of story. I didn't receive any emails.
Any way head just about stopped buzzing, I had arrived at 7.15 to collate scores for a selection meeting only to find out that one of the instructors hadn't scored. Just before I went for it anyway he started scoring and finished five minutes before the meeting. I pulled paperwork together and told him I would be sending him the bill for removing my grey hair.
Anything else? No just the normal people who 'brighten' my day!
Have cooked dinner, done 30 minutes knitting, put together some paperwork, packed my case, now to knit for a little bit more before bath and bed and see what tomorrow brings.
Only tomorrow and Wednesday then no more work for a month.......
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