We Knew Every line, But Now I can't Remember

When the kids were at Primary School, they made friends with a Buzzard.

The Gulls around the school were a major menace.

They nested on the flat roof of the school, and wherever there where children, there was food; wherever there was food, there was a chance for a dive-bomb.

Playtimes were like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock. Kids running amock with seagulls perched on their heads.

So a Buzzard was brought in, which did circuits of the play ground, to prevent the kids being attacked.

But the handler let the kids pet it, and it became pretty dang tame and didn't fend off the birds any more!

pft. The poor head teacher had to go back to scrambling up a ladder onto the roof (The janny was forbidden by H&S rules), and destroying the nests herself.


Ah; good days

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